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My Approach





Our first meeting

I introduce and explain key aspects of the therapeutic process such as confidentially and therapy expectations, as well as the possible duration of the required treatment.


My commitment to you

Since embarking on therapy is a highly personal and often demanding endeavour, I ensure to gain a deeper understanding of who you are and what you may need in order to prosper during our future sessions.


The blueprint

Once I have a sense of who you are, this will provide me with a blueprint of how to build our following interactions. Through an active exchange, we can shape an environment of trust in which you feel nurtured and protected.


Every individual is unique 

And for this reason, so is the structure of their therapeutic route. Along these routes, each individual is faced with different obstacles and victories that require personal shaping through professional guidance. I keep this element of uniqueness at the fore when creating the therapy plan for my clients.



Going forward we will regularly review and adapt the blueprint if needed, bringing you closer to your intended purpose – be it personal or professional.

Contact me

Do you have a question for me? I’m here to help. Please feel free to book an appointment or to reach out to me via the contact form.

Diving Vanessa Egert Psychologist Paris

"I believe that a different therapy must be constructed for each patient because each has a unique story."

– Irvin D. Yalom